PDC – Permaculture Design Certificate
I’m so happy to announce that we are offering our second PDC here at Rancho Delicioso, on Sept 29 through Oct 13! 16 Days / 15 Nights.
PDC Pricing
The price will depend on a few factors, such as which accommodation you choose. There’s also some discounts listed below.
Private Loft, solo: $2190
Private Loft, shared: $1490 each
Hanging Bed, solo: $1490
Hanging bed, shared: $1290 each
Sofa Beds: $1290
Tent or Offsite: $990
Costa Rica citizens: 15% off
Costa Rica Residents: 10% off
Early Booking Discounts:
Book 6 months early: 15% off
Book 3 months early: 10% off
The prices don’t include any travel expenses to get here.
Deposit: 50% to hold your space. The final 50% must be paid 2 weeks before you arrive.
Travel Insurance: We highly recommend that you get travel insurance, in case something goes wrong and you can’t come, you can get reimbursed by the insurance instead of asking us to do it.
We have hired our amazing friends Sam Kenworthy and Scott Gallant, who are teachers from two nearby permaculture centers: Cirenas and Rancho Mastatal.
What is a Permaculture Design Course
Join Rancho Delicioso for a life-changing experience in Permaculture Design.
The course covers the core Permaculture Design curriculum and emphasizes creating diverse, multi-functional human landscapes based on ecological patterns. Viewing the surroundings of Rancho Delicioso through the lens of a living classroom, the class will mix lectures and hands-on work, exploring design solutions for human habitats.
Based in the tropical climate of Costa Rica, the course will speak to deisng work in the tropics, but will also address temperate climate design and implementation. Putting Permaculture into practice, the course concludes with students working in teams to create their own permaculture site design.
This course is applicable to anyone with an interest in designing resilient and regenerative futures as well as professionals in the fields of architecture, planning, ecology, education, farming and community development. The whole-systems design thinking outlined in the course will give participants the tools to re-design and improve their surroundings; from gardens, farms and homes, to livelihoods, relationships and communities.
Topics covered include:
• History of Permaculture
• Principles and Ethics of Permaculture Design
• Design Methodologies and Site Analysis & Assessment • Pattern Languages in Culture and the Landscape • Reading the Landscape and Pattern Recogintion
• Simple Mapping and Surveying Techniques
• Client Interviews and Goal Setting
• Map Reading
• Master Planning and Design Presentations
• Climate and Microclimate Design
• Water: Cycles, Catchment, Ecology, Conservation, Treatment
• Greywater and Blackwater Systems
• Earthworks, Pond Construction, & Water Storage
• Soils: Biology, Ecology, Fertility Strategies
• Biochar, Biofertilizers, Mulching, Biomass Production, Microorganisms Cultivation, Compost Making
• Introduction to Keyline Design and Holistic Management
• Gardening from the Tropics to the Temperate Regions
• Orchards Management and Agroforestry
• Plant Propagation, Grafting, Nursery Management
• Silvopastural and Aquaculture Systems
• Fermentation, Post Harvest Handling, and Harvest Strategies
• Shelter and Siting
• Natural Building Techniques
• Urban and Suburban Permaculture Applications and Case Studies
• Energy and Appropriate Technology: Photovoltaics, Biodigestor Design, Alternative Cooking Models
• Regenerative Economic Models
• Social Structures, Decision Making, and Community Organizing
• Professional Designer Project Case Studies
Unlike the PYP and PSP programs we offer now, this isn’t a vacation. It’s an intense set of workshops, with 72+ hours of instruction, where you’ll get a lot of hands on experience, but also a lot of time spent listening to presentations on the many subjects related to permaculture. With a PDC you’ll be qualified to teach an Intro to Permaculture course like we offer now in our PYP.
We have a limit of 16 people.
Book Now for 2018
Click this link to book the program now, and pay a 50% deposit.
[rs_programs table show_date show_register_link category=”pdc”]
Inquire for Future Dates
If you’d like to inquire for a future date, please fill out this form and tell us a bit about yourself: