Raw Vegan Green Papaya Salad

The farm is literally swarming with huge green papayas at the moment, just asking to be taken advantage of. Never having used papaya’s in my cooking before, I was forced to scan the net a bit for some inspiration. I came across a recipe that had the basic ideas of something I could work from, […]
My First Farm Soup

So this soup was really the start of my focus here at the farm, rather the project idea came to me after how alive the entire process of making this soup made me feel. At this very early stage at the farm I hadn’t yet developed my cooking into creations solely based around what we […]
Healthy Protein Gratitude Balls
While I didn’t actually make these balls with ingredients we produce here at the farm, there was a lot of farm love that went into them. Cat and I made these two types of protein balls for the owners of Anamaya and Paula the yoga teacher in thanks for allowing us to walk from the […]
Super Healthy Nachos
Mexican day! Today I hear a calling from our neighboring Central American country, Mexico! Honoring Costa Rica’s favorite, frijoles I will make a beautiful tomato and black bean salsa. The frijoles are grown, harvested and hand shelled here at the farm, and we have also just started to produce the first tomatoes, small yellow and […]
Cashew Cheese
Cashew Cheese At Anamaya I felt personally taken care of as a lactose-free eater, as they don’t serve of cook with dairy products at all, aside from optional butter they put out for the daily delicious selection of healthy baked goods. All cheese products at the resort are goat’s so free range for me! Aside […]
Sweet Potato Chick Pea Burgers with Passion Fruit salsa

Sweet Potato Chick Pea Burgers with Passion Fruit salsa This was everyone’s favorite farm concoction as of yet! I served the burgers with 2 types of salsa making use of the passion fruits that we collect from the grass inside ‘The Passion Dome’. I personally find this space to be a hub, encapsulating the […]
Farm Thai ‘Fruit and Veg’ Curry
I think what has subconsciously prompted my exploration into Thai cuisine whilst in Costa Rica, as well as the typically Thai green papayas, is the coconut milk I enjoy in my coffee at Anamaya after yoga in the mornings. It reminds me of travelling I have done in Thailand when I lived off of green, […]