Gorilla Garbanzos: from Pea to Plant

One day I was innocently sprouting lentils and decided to add a few chickpeas. Chick, peas. Look what happened: Day 1: Bag of La Macarena brand garbanzo beans, from local “super maya” in Cobano. In a bowl, cover 1/4 cup beans with 2+ inches of water and soak in refrigerator for about two days. Cover […]
Duffy’s Summer Zucchini Soup

Our beautiful giant zucchinis in the experimental section of the garden called to mind this refreshing soup that my dad used to make (hint hint!) in the summertime. I discovered the original recipe belonged to Mickey, my mother’s stepmother. One of the few things I remember about Mickey was her commitment to healthy cooking and […]
Papaya Seeds: DIY Black Pepper

Papaya: low in calories, high in dietary fiber. Packed with vitamins and anti-inflammatory enzymes. Growing on the farm. Extra tasty with a squeeze of lime. Also nice unripe, shredded, in curries. Que bueno. But wait! Don’t forget the seeds: high in (“good”) fat and protein and a good source of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. (Source: […]
Jazzy Farm Pilaf

Alas, tonight a hankering for brown rice met a compulsion to take advantage of the farm in my backyard. I went out with a basket and came back with some yellow pear tomatoes, kale, pepper, parsley and basil. So I decided to add them to the rice in a pilaf-y sort of way, then […]
Green Farm Falafel

It just happened. Yours truly just transplanted six-inch plants, sprouted from store-bought chickpeas, less than two weeks ago. Their roots were even longer. There was only one way to celebrate. FALAFEL. One mad day last Fall I helped prepare hundreds of falafel balls to feed a farm crew of over 40. We used as many […]
DIY Tortillas

To think, someone who until just a month ago had practically never been south of Miami, can now make her very own tortillas. Without a shi shi press! The rosemary was a last minute addition, but would only add more next time. Serves 3 (main course); yields 10-15 tortilla, depending on size Ingredients: 1 cup […]
Plantain Pancakes (Updated)

We did a little research on the nutritional benefits of plantains when I made Plantain Latkes. Earlier this week (update: now a few weeks ago, actually) I adapted a great gluten-free plantain pancake recipe from The Paleo Mom that uses “extra virgin” coconut oil, meaning its been extracted from the coconut kernel without any chemical […]
Vegetarian Yellow Shakshuka

Tomato vines on the cusp of ripe and 87 clucking hens make this dish the perfect farm meal; I made the sauce in the morning then assembled it for dinner, but it’s typically served at brunch or lunch. I recently spent two months farming in Israel and savored this traditional Middle Eastern offering on several […]
Buena Onda Smoothie

When you arrive at the farm (as surely you’ve been enticed in these pages), Geoff will greet you with an enthusiastic “welcome to paradise!” Here is where he, Yasmin and the Anamaya community are realizing their vision of a beautiful life. My impression of their vision is a rich combination of research, experience, and intuition. […]
Jana’s Whole-grain Bread (Vollkornbrot)

I am blessed with wonderful friends. Last weekend Jana swam over to Rancho Delicioso from the International Forestry Analog Network in Quepos and brought a traditional, delicious homemade German bread. We didn’t let her leave until she shared the recipe. And even then we tried to stop her! Buena onda ♥ Ingredients: 500g whole wheat […]